8 Introvert Advantages that Set you Apart from Extroverts

If you haven't noticed, we live in a very extrovert-biased society (feels exhausting just typing that!). So it can be hard to feel confident and stand your ground as an introvert in a world that feels designed for the more outgoing social butterflies.

But! Being an introvert is a true asset, and here's why...

From my personal experience (and that of my clients!), many introverts try to fake-it-til-they-make it (ugh!) by pretending to be more extroverted. No shame if you do this too because that is what we learned and, for a long time....it's all we've known to do.

The goal in all of this make-believe is to try to fit in more and avoid judgment for being quieter, not enjoying loud parties, or just wanting to read a book during their lunch break (hello, Rory Gilmore!).

It's exhausting and reinforces the belief that you're not good enough because you're an introvert (which keeps those inner critics happily fed with ongoing new material they can use to make you feel like you're at a disadvantage for being more internally focused).

By denying who you are to everyone else, you're downplaying your gifts to yourself!

You'll never really feel comfortable in your own skin until you accept, embrace, and embody all of the amazing qualities you possess because you're an introvert!

When introverts recognize what sets them apart from extroverts and what makes them uniquely valuable to society, they can stop dimming their light, get out of their own way, and become masters of their innate strengths.

So, with that in mind, here are 8 advantages that I believe introverts possess that set us apart from all those look-at-me extroverts! 😉

8 Introvert Advantages that Set you Apart from Extroverts

#1: Introverts are very good listeners

Because you're the queen of active listening, you can be there for others and provide an experience where they can truly be heard (a rare thing in this world!). Also, listening deeply to others means you can pick up on things that others miss, so your insight is valuable and not something others can easily provide.

#2: Introverts are excellent relationship builders

Because you're such a good listener and people feel drawn to share with you, you're naturally excellent at building relationships. You focus more on others than yourself, which makes others want to focus on you in return. This is how you build relationships!

#3: Introverts make inspiring leaders

Because you're so good at building relationships and naturally shy away from the limelight, you can lead teams with more impact because you bring people together, you include them in the process, and you value each person's contribution. This makes people feel appreciated, and they become even more motivated to do a stellar job!

#4: Introverts are thoughtful speakers

Since you process things internally, you think before speaking. When you decide to share what's on your mind, it's well-thought out and packs a punch! People pay attention when you talk because they recognize the depth and value of what you share (which also explains why introverts are inspiring leaders!).

#5: Introverts are keen observers

Because you think before you speak, you tend to notice more of what's going on around you. I bet nothing gets past you because you're aware of all the details! An ex-boyfriend was a social butterfly, and we were routinely at parties. He was always amazed at what I picked up on during the party because while he was busy talking, I was contentedly listening and observing. 😊 Being observant also allows you to read the energy of those in the room and narrow your focus on who feels like a potential new connection, which helps you be intentional in talking with others.

#6: Introverts are creative thinkers

Because the inner world for an introvert is where the party is happening, and introverts are natural thinkers, introverts generally show a greater aptitude for creativity. Your creativity may be expressed through artistic channels or through the variety of ideas you create. This is a huge asset in professional and social settings!

#7: Introverts can entertain themselves

Because you need alone time to recharge and you have a rich inner world, you are likely to enjoy your own company. This means you can entertain yourself with no problem! This is my favorite perk of being an introvert! I honestly never feel lonely because I have so many ways to entertain myself and because I enjoy my company so much! This means introverts tend to be comfortable with their independence.

#8: Introverts work well alone

Because you source your fire from within, you easily work on your own without needing others around you. That makes solo work ideal for you because you can get lost in your thoughts, focus, and allow that creative mind to blossom.

These 8 advantages are just scratching the surface of what makes introverts unique and solidify the point that the world needs introverts! Introverts do a disservice to themselves and the world by minimizing their gifts and pretending to be more extroverted!

It's time to change the ideal from an "extrovert ideal" to an "everyone-is-valuable ideal"!

Hopefully, you're resonating with some (or all!) of these gifts because they show you that you do NOT need to be extroverted to thrive as an introvert!

Thriving means you feel good about yourself and your life. You enjoy being you, and you don't feel the need to be someone else. As introverts, thriving means loving their inner-focused way of living, honoring their energetic needs to be alone to recharge, and leaning into their introverted qualities (unapologetically) instead of leaning away from them.

When you thrive as an introvert, you no longer believe extroverts have the advantage because you see your own gifts of living life aligned to your intrinsic design.
When you thrive as an introvert, you no longer believe extroverts have the advantage because you see your own gifts of living life aligned to your intrinsic design.

This creates personal freedom that allows you to feel greater ease, inner peace, and joy. When you own the advantages of being an introvert and allow them the shine, you enjoy being you on an entirely new level.

And, guess what...you deserve that!

But, if you aren't resonating with some of these advantages, consider it an untapped goldmine waiting for you to discover it on one of your inner exploratory journeys!

It will be hard to see these gifts within yourself when you lack confidence in yourself and believe being an introvert holds you back. But, because you're internally focused and gifted with the skills of self-exploration, as you open to the idea that being an introvert is a gift, you'll start to see yourself with new respect. This means you'll discover unique qualities about yourself that you can 100% get behind (no more hiding these gems from the world!).

If you're ready to embody what makes you uniquely awesome and own your introverted amazingness so you can thrive, I invite you to schedule a call with me where we can explore how best to get you there. One introvert to another 😊.


Mindset Work vs. Belief Work


Your Intuition Zone is Where the Magic Happens