Mindset Work vs. Belief Work

To transform your life, you need to go deeper than just your mindset

You hear a lot about "mindset work" in the personal development and coaching world.

And, with good reason! Your mindset is the lens through which you perceive and experience life. It shapes what you think, how you feel, your actions, and ultimately, your reality.

Your mindset is the foundation of everything.

Since everyone's mindset is unique, no one experiences the same events in the same way. That's why people who share the same circumstance have vastly different experiences. 

For example, losing your job is one of the most stressful life events. But, depending on mindset, for some people, this will be the worst thing that ever happened to them, but for others, they'll see it as the best thing that ever happened to them.

So, what exactly is "mindset"?

Your mindset is a collection of beliefs that determine how you view the world and interpret what's happening around you (or to you).

As a result, your mindset influences what you think, how you feel, what actions you take (or don't take), and ultimately, your reality. 

Change your mindset = change your reality.

A lot of people believe they can't change their mindset. They think that's just the way they are, and there's nothing they can do about it.

But, that's not true! Your mindset is NOT fixed. It's simply a well-exercised muscle that has become your default. Until you're aware of it, you don't even think about your mindset or what you're thinking.

You can change your mindset!

As a mindset coach, I work closely with people on shifting their limited mindsets to one of expansion and abundance. It's extraordinary to witness people step into new levels of confidence simply by changing their perspectives!

But! I also like to focus on BELIEF WORK with my clients.😉

The Difference Between Mindset and Belief Work

Some might say "belief work" and "mindset work" are the same. They're similar, of course, but I see belief work as the roots of mindset work.

Let's break this down...

  • Your mindset is a collection of beliefs 

  • belief is a thought that you've had repeatedly

To explain this more easily, I like to use a forest as a metaphor...

  • The THOUGHT is the seed from which a tree grows

  • The BELIEF is the tree

  • The MINDSET is the forest

Beautiful, thriving trees are the components of a healthy, lush forest, right? 

For the purposes of this metaphor, I like to see the trees as the beliefs that are expansive and allow you to grow.

But, here's what's important...

Some of the trees in your forest aren't actually trees. Your mind sees them as trees because it believes them to be true. But, most things we believe are NOT true!

Some of your beliefs are WEEDS, or I prefer to think of them as INVASIVE VINES. And, what do weeds or invasive vines do? They kill off the trees!

When you fixate on a thought that isn't true, you eventually believe it, and it feels true. So, if you have many beliefs based on false ideas, how you view the world, what you see as possible, and what you choose to do (not do) are based on lies. This is how you limit yourself!

With mindset work, you focus on many different beliefs to shift things more in your favor. And, that's great! I do that with my clients. But, sometimes, you have to go deeper. If you only focus on mindset, you're not necessarily getting to the root of the problem.

With belief work, you focus on specific thoughts shaping your current beliefs so you can yank them out of the forest for good! Belief work also involves planting new seeds that will turn into the beautiful, flourishing trees in the forest.

This means taking new, empowering, aligned thoughts and tending and nurturing them, so they sprout roots and eventually grow into beautiful flowers. These are the thoughts, when cultivated, that transform your life.

The Key to Mindset and Belief Work

I think many people see working on mindset work as a waste of time. And, if you only think about your beliefs (both limiting and desired), you won't change too much in your external world.

While I love a good affirmation, repeating it to yourself won't get you very far.

Focusing on cleaning up your beliefs and those underlying thoughts don't happen just by thinking about it. 

It's just like a garden overgrown with weeds. You can't just think about all of the weeds disappearing in favor of a lush, vibrant flower garden! You have to roll up your sleeves and get messy and spend some time in the dirt to yank those weeds out at the root. 

The key to mindset and belief work is taking new action in your life!

If what you desire for yourself and your life isn't happening even though you're doing all the things, investing in all the coaches/programs/courses, reading all the books, and listening to all the podcasts, you need to shift your focus is underneath the surface.

If you continue to spin your wheels and nothing is changing, you have some belief work to do. Until you clean up your beliefs, no amount of "how-to" programs will get you where you want to go.

Ready to clean up your beliefs garden and transform your life? This is what I do! Hop on a complimentary call with me to explore different ways to work with me, and let's dive in and transform your life!


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